Friends of Alachua County Homeschoolers is a non-profit group that has coalesced to work toward achieving goals focused on improving opportunities for homeschoolers in Alachua County, Florida. We aim to provide information on homeschooling to those who are interested or already in the process. We seek to inform the general public about available options for resources locally that can help families succeed in the process of home education.
More than that, we serve as a group of advocates for making homeschooling an accessible option for all families who want to take advantage of this educational platform. One of our long term goals is to bring about the creation of an educational resource center with materials available for use/check-out that are related to educational topics for all ages. Such a resource center would, in our vision, also contain a family-friendly meeting space, among other assets to the community in general.
Some of our key members in FoACH are Jessica Adams, Sunshine Moss, Amy Pritz, Gwen Thompson, and Callie Williams. These women have been working hard toward achieving these goals for current and prospective homeschooling families in Alachua County.
We hope that this site offers some assistance to your family, and if you have any questions or suggestions, or if you'd like to join our team, please contact us in the comment box at the bottom of the page.